This tea bottle is a game changer. It hasn't left my side since I made my purchase. I've noticed that I'm staying more hydrated!
I have always ummed and arrred about getting one of these bottles, but now that I have one...wow! So easy to have iced tea that you can just grab and go with. No transferring from the tea pot anymore.
Quality is great!! Thank you Nurtur Tea 🥰
I absolutely love my infuser bottle! I use it for every single one of my drinks because it’s double walled and keeps everything cool and warm PLUS the infuser it comes with is so handy!
I really love Nurtur Tea’s delicious raspberry leaf tea and the beautiful glass tea bottle with infuser is stunning! I started drinking 1-2 cups per day in the last weeks of my pregnancy as recommended by my midwife. Studies have shown it may shorten labour which was fortunately my experience as a first time mum with only 10-15 minutes of second stage labour and a brilliant water birth. I am still drinking this tasty tea now for the extra vitamins and minerals raspberry leaves provide. Thanks Nina and Nurtur Tea for making such a great tea!
Absolutely love this tea! An amazing brand that you can tell has so much love in it. I couldn’t recommend it more ❤️❤️❤️